Friday, October 29, 2010

LD2 Week 6 - Goodbye skulls, hello heads!

10/18/10 and 10/20/10

This week marked the transition from drawing skulls to drawing heads and features. We spent some time practicing drawing the facial features that we learned about in Life Drawing I (some of my work pictured below), and we learned/reviewed about the neck.

Drawing the features wasn't too bad (besides elongating the nose a bit, as seen in the picture). I remembered most of what I learned in LD1, and I don't think I've taken too many steps backward since then. As I recall, I missed the lecture on drawing the mouth and ear. Those may be a bit more challenging than the eyes and nose, but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. So far, it's a nice change of pace to be doing something other than skulls. I'm eager to find out how much the knowledge of the "deeper" structure (i.e. the skull) will help me in drawing the head and features.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you blocked out the nose, but it looks kind of small as you look down. Maybe it was the angle you drew it....but regardless this is good, Im interested to see your 3/4 front portrait today when we present.
