Monday, February 8, 2010

Gesture Drawing

Gesture drawing over the first weeks of class has been interesting. I hadn't taken a drawing class within the last couple years, and it took a while to even get myself going again. I'm also pretty unfamiliar with gesture drawing, so the combination of both led to an interesting transition back into the whole process.
Although I still have a lot of practice left, I feel that I'm getting better at gesture drawing. I'm beginning to understand its significance when creating a piece, and I recognize its value in creating the form from the inside out. My next step is to demonstrate this understanding through my work.
Below is my 10-minute gesture drawing of a shell. I feel that I've made progress since I my first drawings, and I hope to further improve as the weeks move on.

Also, this is my first contour drawing. It looked a bit messier before the prof gave me a few tips and pointers, but I can only get better from here.. right?

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